B2B Social Media: State of the Nation Speaking at Germany's 1st B2B advertising conference, Horizont B2B, Circle Research's Andrew Dalglish explores the state of B2B social media in the UK...
A cukorbeteg nő (fogamzásgátlás, PCOS, menstruáció, klimax) Civil Fórum III. – Páciensoktatási program cukorbetegeknek
2012. március 3. |
B-hive Conductor 10 minute introduction and demo see a real demo of the B-hive Conductor in a virtual data center running a CRM application.
size, manage and automate your application delivery inf... |
OFLA - Screenweaver OS - Flash Rich Desktop Applications by Edwin Van Rijkom This summer, Flash celebrated its second lustrum. Over the past decade it has revolutionized the way internet applications are interfaced. At one poin...