Corporate Profile Independen Profesional Indonesia

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Created on 04 October, 2007by durexity




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Language: English Status: Public Category: Business All rights reserved ©
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Speaker: Aesculapius Amandra
Job title: Account Executive
Company/Organization: iPro
In this new era of fast-moving business activities one cannot but to be profit oriented.
However, successful business ventures have often proven that the long process in achieving the much desired results is just as satisfactorily as making new records of profit. One reason for this is that such process also brings in benefit to both company and stakeholders a long the way. Now, when advanced technology is often the single determinant factor, what could make a difference is one company’s ability in recognizing its place in the industry so that it can use all of its comparative advantages to the fullest. Definitely, iPRO Group meets this qualification. We have the capacity and capability required from a major player in the media business and TV programmes business. Our Board’s track record convinces this


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